Glen Wickersham presented his research poster at the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science.
Glen Wickersham García, an undergraduate student at Universidad del Sagrado Corazón and member of the NeuroID program, participated in the annual conference of SACNAS 2023 National Diversity in STEM (NDiSTEM). This year, the conference took place on October 26-28, at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, Oregon.
Wickersham had the opportunity to travel to Portland, Oregon to presente his research poster titled “Semiquantitative analysis and identification of neurotrophic factors and their receptors in the intestine of the sea cucumber H. glaberrima” and represented the NeuroID program. Glen shared with us some photos of his official travel to SACNAS.

The Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) is a nonprofit organization that promotes equality in the STEM field by encouraging and aiding Chicano, Hispanic, and Native American researchers to advance in their success in obtaining their degrees and leadership positions. SACNAS holds an annual conference in which scientists from around the world gather to share their research. The National Diversity in STEM (NDISTEM) conference provides a space for underrepresented groups of scientists to share their research and network with other professionals in their field.
Author: Camila I. Cobo Ortiz
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