The National Neuroscience Student Association (NNSA) is a Puerto Rico based non-profit organization that aims to provide the necessary tools and opportunities to underrepresented students interested in personal, academic and professional development.
The NNSA specializes in careers in neuroscience research giving student members resources to become competitive candidates for graduate schools. By providing an array of activities such as neuroscience outreach, volunteer work and workshops, student members can gain experiences beyond the classroom that teach them skills they otherwise have no access to. These skills mainly focus on Science Communications and peer-to-peer mentoring with the ultimate of goal of inspiring students to become mentors early in their careers. Following this grassroots and DIY (‘do it yourself’) spirit, what sets NNSA apart from other neuroscience outreach associations is that NNSA provides undergraduate students a platform to develop their own ideas.

The NNSA works both as a student organization that provides practical services to members, but also as a creative incubator in favor of project building. Recognizing a need in Puerto Rico for multidisciplinary and high- impact projects that stimulate intellectual conversation and foster a collaborative community of philanthropy, the NNSA allows students to become project managers and lead the production of their own proposed projects. These projects are a reflection of the multidisciplinary vision of NNSA because they often are an integration between the fields of art, philosophy, literature, psychology, science and others.
Provide an array of activities such as neuroscience outreach, volunteer work, and workshops, where student members can gain experiences beyond the classroom.
Focus on science communications and peer-to-peer mentoring while providing integration and collaboration between the fields of art, philosophy, literature, psychology, science, and others.
Build strong relationships within the student member community by creating multidisciplinary panels with faculty from different fields to discuss the latest topics affecting society.
Provide project development opportunities for undergraduates by allowing student members to work in the NNSA Committee as Project Managers and build a space for collaboration and working teams.
Foster peer-to-peer mentoring by providing a neuroscience career development panel with students who research in neuroscience and association mentors.
- Increase the understanding of neuroscience in our communities, our university, and beyond.
- Serve as peer-mentors to students interested in the field of neuroscience.
- Create opportunities to increase the members’ experience in the field

¿Qué es una neurona? ¿Cómo funciona?
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