Improve and Diversify your Research Capabilities
Research Experience
The research activities are intended to provide undergraduate students with knowledge, experience and appreciation for a scientific career in neuroscience. The student will select a mentor, with whom she/he will develop a research plan. Although mentored-bench work is the most important activity on this program, the trainees will be exposed to workshops, seminars and scientific reporting activities to provide the necessary tools to excel as researchers in neuroscience.
To view the list of mentors and their projects, click here.
Training Workshops and Activities
Lab-notebook in research
Seminar on documentation of protocols and data in a lab-notebook. The seminar will illustrate the students on how to document protocols, data and observations in a lab-notebook.
Laboratory safety and “etiquette”
Seminar about general laboratory safety including correct chemical management and response to lab emergencies.
“The art of reading a research article…!”
Through these activities, the students will learn to identify valuable information in specific sections of a research article.
Online research ethics course which include: Ethical Issues in Research, Interpersonal Responsibility, Institutional Responsibility, Profesional Responsibility and Animal and Human Participation in Research.
Scientific oral presentation
This seminar is intended to give students tips on how to be an effective speaker. We will discuss different scenarios and strategies that are used to present scientific data clearly and effectively.
Graduate School Fellowships
These activities will enhance the students’ research capabilities and increase their knowledge about funding opportunities to continue graduate studies and through a research career.
Summer Research Programs
Students will be required to participate in a research summer program (e.g. Harvard, Yale, UC Denver, Northwestern Univ.).